State Senator Loretta Weinberg of Teaneck, a long-time friend of the community, presented the award at a dinner honoring the couple on Monday evening.
The Spiegels are well-known residents who have always found a way to make their mark serving community needs in a variety of ways. Since they have such a long and distinguished record of service, it is particularly appropriate they are the first to be recognized.
The award was created by the Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee to reward and foster volunteerism, and to inspire and encourage others who might also want a life of community service.
Among their activities, the Spiegels are active in the Community of Friends in Action, which works to help day laborers living in the area in a variety of ways , collecting wages from employers who often won’t pay them, providing lunches, helping with better work opportunities, and giving ESL classes and OSHA training as well as advocating immigration reform.