May 22, 2014

We Democrats TV

Announcing the new We Democrats TV 

A video channel of the Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee
Please watch the first 3 presentations

May 21, 2014

Postcards Now Available

Postcards Now Available

Leonia Day at Wood Park  

Thank you to all who visited our table at Wood Park. Our special commemorative "Greetings from Downtown Leonia" postcard was received with great enthusiasm. We are making copies available at several businesses in downtown Leonia.

Please visit and support these businesses and pickup several postcards.

Greetings from Downtown Leonia
Sylvan Grace Florist   –    444 Broad Avenue
Leonia Wine & Spirit   –   307 Broad Avenue
Coffee Park   –   316 Broad Avenue
Happy Market   –   369 Broad Avenue
Moore’s Hardware   –   335 Broad Avenue

Five winners were selected for the environmentally friendly soaker hoses,
donated by Moore’s Hardware and will be contacted by phone.

Vote Column 1 • June 3 
Candidates for Leonia Council 2014
Gil Hawkins  &   John Genese
Candidates for Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee 2014
DISTRICT 1: Carmita Fong  &  Steve ChurchillDISTRICT 4: Stephanie Keller  &  Gregg Edelman
DISTRICT 2: Aviva Levy  &  Alan WintersDISTRICT 5: Christie Evens  &  Michael Raskin
DISTRICT 3: Leah Roland  &  Fred MarxDISTRICT 6: Sally Seymour  &  Arnold Trachtenberg

May 17, 2014

Listen — Learn — Ask

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

Tuesday June 3rd, the slate of the current Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee Candidates for Council and Committee Members is facing a challenge in the Primary Election. To help residents better understand the important issues facing our community, we’ve scheduled several home events where a portion of time will be devoted to addressing your concerns.

In preparation for the events, attached is the Platform of the Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee for your review.  We look forward to seeing you at one or all of the following events:
Candidates’ Coffee - Thursday, May 22
8:00 – 10:00 pm
205 Grand Avenue
Home of Carmita Sanchez Fong,

Candidates’ Wine & Cheese – Saturday, May 24
 3:00 – 5:00 pm
29 Hillcrest Ave
Home of Doris Friedensohn

Candidates’ Coffee — Wednesday, May 28
8:00 – 10:00 pm
433 Highwood Avenue
Home of Carol Franklin

Alan Winters
Chair, DMC Leonia

May 14, 2014

Leonia Arbor/Earth Day

Leonia Celebrates Arbor/Earth Day

Wood Park •  Sunday May 18th  • 1:00 to 5:00 pm

Your current DMC Members and DMC Candidates invite you
to visit our information table where you can also pick up a special
Leonia postcard with a photo of our beautiful tree-lined downtown
from photographer Dennis Chalkin.
You can also enter to win an environmentally friendly
prize donated by Moore’s Hardware.

Visit for more info on
Vote by Mail Ballot (top left column to download application and instructions)
 Where to Vote information

Vote Column 1 • June 3 
Candidates for Leonia Council 2014
Gil Hawkins  &   John Genese
Candidates for Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee 2014
DISTRICT 1: Carmita Fong  &  Steve ChurchillDISTRICT 4: Stephanie Keller  &  Gregg Edelman
DISTRICT 2: Aviva Levy  &  Alan WintersDISTRICT 5: Christie Evens  &  Michael Raskin
DISTRICT 3: Leah Roland  &  Fred MarxDISTRICT 6: Sally Seymour  &  Arnold Trachtenberg

May 10, 2014





Candidates for the Leonia
Democratic Municipal Committee
  • We are the faces of the DMC – Seasoned Veterans and the NEXT GENERATION of leaders committed to improving our community. 
  •  We are a diverse group of individuals, including artists, lawyers, designers, accountants and entrepreneurs with a unique perspective on community issues.
  • We are your neighbors and friends – people with the same concerns as the residents of our districts regarding safety, property taxes, community services and other key issues. In representing our constituents we represent ourselves.
  • We are supportive of those seeking participation in the process of government, always reaching out to recruit new talent.
  • We keep our constituents informed of important political issues and events through various local media.

Visit for more info
and for Application for Vote by Mail Ballot (top left column)

Candidates for Leonia Council 2014
Gil Hawkins  &   John Genese

Candidates for Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee 2014
DISTRICT 1: Carmita Fong  &  Steve Churchill
DISTRICT 2: Aviva Levy  &  Alan Winters
DISTRICT 3: Leah Roland  &  Fred Marx 
DISTRICT 4: Stephanie Keller  &  Gregg Edelman 
DISTRICT 5: Christie Evens  &  Michael Raskin 
DISTRICT 6: Sally Seymour  &  Arnold Trachtenberg

May 5, 2014

Thank you Mayor John DeSimone

Leonia DMC members and Candidates are grateful to Mayor John DeSimone
and his family
for providing us the space to meet interested voters

Inline image 2
It was another great Sunday at Moore's Hardware. We met with voters and served up great home-made cookies.  
There will be one more 'Candidates and Cookies' event at Moore's hardware and several more events to be announced.  
(Pictured l. to r.) Carmita Fong (Dist 1), Mayor John DeSimone, Sally Seymour (Dist 6), 
Michael Raskin (Dist 5), Alan Winters (Dist 2) and Aviva Levy (Dist 2).

Vote Column 1  -  June 3
Under the Democratic Committee of Bergen County
for your Democratic Municipal Committee and Council candidates

May 1, 2014

Hans and Ellie Spiegel are the first recipients of the Leonia Community Leadership Award

State Senator Loretta Weinberg of Teaneck, a long-time friend of the community, presented the award at a dinner honoring the couple on Monday evening.

The Spiegels are well-known residents who have always found a way to make their mark serving community needs in a variety of ways.  Since they have such a long and distinguished record of service, it is particularly appropriate they are the first to be recognized.

The award was created by the Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee to reward and foster volunteerism, and to inspire and encourage others who might also want a life of community service.

Among their activities, the Spiegels are active in the Community of Friends in Action, which works to help day laborers living in the area in a variety of ways , collecting wages from employers who often won’t pay them, providing lunches, helping with better work opportunities, and giving  ESL classes and OSHA training as well as advocating immigration reform.