May 28, 2013

Democratic Candidates for Borough Council

Meet the Candidates
Bernadette Flaim & Darryl Whitter 
For Leonia Borough Council
Leonia Council Candidates 2013

Cheese, Crackers and Candidates
Democratic Candidates for Borough Council, incumbent Darryl Whitter and his running mate the dynamic Bernadette Flaim,  are looking forward to meeting fellow Leonians on Saturday, June 1 at Moore's Hardware Store.   Although running unopposed in the Democratic Primary, they are eager to hear their neighbors comments, concerns and suggestions. 

May 20, 2013

Meet the Candidates on June 1


Bernadette and Darryl at Leonia Day
Democratic Candidates for Borough Council,
incumbent Darryl Whitter
and his running mate
the dynamic Bernadette Flaim
are looking forward to meeting fellow Leonians

 on Saturday, June 1
 at Moore's Hardware Store
335 Broad Avenue
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Although running unopposed in the Democratic Primary, they are eager to hear their neighbors comments, concerns and suggestions.

May 16, 2013

DMC Tee Shirt - Leonia Day

The new Democratic Municipal Committee tee shirt will be available for sale at Leonia Day, this Sunday, May 19th at the DMC table. The introductory price for this soft fabric, colorful shirt is $13.00 - in recognition of the 2013 election year. There will be only 50 shirts for sale at Leonia Day. Please come early to take advantage of this opportunity.

The Whistle Stop Campaign

Prior to our era of ‘social media’, widespread television ownership, home computers, email, texting and tweeting, communications were more personal.

In 1948, Harry Truman took his presidential campaign directly to the people: a 30,000 mile journey through 28 states, stopping at every ‘whistle stop’ to speak to people from the train’s platform. By blowing their whistles, trains could arrange to stop at small towns not on the timetable, known as ‘whistle stops’. We believe in the value of ‘whistle stop’ communication, personal and direct.

May 15, 2013

DMC Committees / Appointments

The new DMC Chairman, Alan Winters, has established the following committees and responsibilities and announced the committee appointments:


(a) Bottom Line Committee (BLC) : Sally Seymour, Michael Raskin
  • Work with supporters to plan and host fundraising events
  • Oversee direct mail and e-mail fundraising activities
  • Solicit donations

(b) Whistle Stop Committee (WSC): Leah Roland, Aviva Levy
  • Recruit and supervise volunteers in their activities (including canvassing and office work)
  • Responsible for campaign petitions and documents
  • Develop and distribute promotional literature, signs, stickers, etc.
  • Solicit events and activities for the candidate

(c) Next Generation Committee (NGC): Stephanie Keller, Mark Spiegel
  • Recruit Leonia residents for involvement in local government organizations and committees
  • Identify prospective candidates for appointed or elected government positions

(d) Political Climate Committee (PCC): Mary Ellen Tucker, Steve Churchill
  • Works to promote communication and cooperation between the various political groups and government agencies

May 14, 2013

Application for Vote-By-Mail Ballots

Who Should Vote By Mail
  • Anyone who will be out of town on election day 
  • College students who are registered to vote in Leonia 
  • Anyone who can’t make it to the polls for health reasons 
  • Anyone who would like to vote early 

Where to Obtain Mail-in Ballot Application
  • Municipal Clerk, Leonia Borough Hall 
  • Bergen County Elections Office,  One Bergen County Plaza,  Hackensack, NJ 

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