Arnold Trachtenberg, a 24-year resident of Leonia and a 35-year resident of Bergen
County works as a sports medicine rehab specialist with experience as
the former Athletic Trainer for the NY Cosmos and US National Soccer
Arnold has served in almost every Municipal position in the Borough of Leonia. He has held the position of Councilman, served as a member of the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, Board of Health,
Recreation Commission and Shade Tree Commission and Police Committee.
Arnold is the creator and founder of the LeoniaTalks list serve which provides daily
information to over 1100 residents about activities around town. He currently
serves on the Mayor’s Internet Technology Committee and The Board of Library
Trustees as the Treasurer. He also serves on the Library Board of Trustees Finance Committee.
Arnold enjoys and looks forward to continuing his work on the Leonia Democratic
Municipal Committee.