June 17, 2010

Democratic Municipal Committee Update

On Monday, June 14 the newly elected Leonia Democratic Municipal Committee held its reorganization meeting. Outgoing DMC Chair, Robert Pacicco, facilitated the smooth transition at this meeting. We express our many thanks to Robert for his years of service as chair of the DMC.

Our first order of business was to elect a new DMC Chair. I was pleased to accept this role that was decided by unanimous vote of the committee. The only other business conducted on Monday was completing a number of forms to be submitted to the County Democratic Organization.

The next night, Tuesday, June 15, the DMC attended the Bergen County Democratic Organization meeting in Hackensack. At this meeting, we participated in the election of the county officers, all of whom ran unopposed. We also had an opportunity to meet Michael Kasparian, the BCDO Chair, and several other Democratic county officials.

We will be meeting over the summer to formulate our plans moving forward. We understand the trust that Leonia Democrats have placed in us, and will do everything possible to meet and exceed your expectations.

Stay tuned.

Bob Leap
Leonia DMC Chair